22th ELSA OP – JSES Webinar
アジア内視鏡外科学会(ELSA)と日本内視鏡外科学会(JSES) との合同webinar
・開催日時 :7月29日(木) 19:00~ (Japan Time)
・コース内容 :手術室内での機器の使い方について
JSESより司会に坂井理事長、course directorおよび演者にSaseem Poudel先生、渡邊祐介先生が参加されます。
ELSA and JSES Experts will an interactive Course on "Surgical Energy and Safety in OR" with certification.
Course Coordinators ; Sujith Wijerathne, Singapore – Saseem Poudel, Japan
Moderators: Y. Sakai, Japan; D. Lomanto, Singapore
*The importance of learning about Surgical Energy: D. Lomanto, Singapore
*Basic principles of Electrosurgery with Video Demo: Jens Bettin, Germany
*Mechanisms of injury and how to avoid them: Sujith Wijerathne, Singapore
* Video Demo: Saseem Poudel, Japan
*Advanced Bipolar and Ultrasonic Devices: Saseem Poudel, Japan
* Video Demo: Sujith Wijerathne, Singapore
*Safety in OR Safety: OR fires and Surgical Smokes: Yusuke Watanabe, Japan
*MCQ Test and Q & A